Laboratory for Advanced Studies in Electric Power and Integration of Renewable Energy Systems


Analysis of Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources

EE394V - Graduate level

The course provides students with technical background in modelling and analysis of integration of renewable energy sources, particularly photovoltaic (PV) and distributed energy storage (DES), into utility distribution systems. The course focuses on the following topics: distribution system load flow, feeder voltage regulation, short-circuits, system protection, grid impacts, and accommodation limits.

Last offerred: Fall 2015

Power Systems Apparatus and Laboratory

EE394L/EE368L - Graduate and undergraduate level

The course covers the fundamentals of power systems and serves as the first course in electric power systems and provides the foundation for a career in the power and energy industry. Topics include the theory and operation of three-phase power systems and the elements of generation, transmission, and distribution systems. As well as providing firm background in theory, simulation and modeling, students gain hands-on experience through the laboratory section of the class.

Last offerred: Spring 2016

Power Quality and Harmonics

EE394-9/EE362Q - Graduate and undergraduate level

Introductory course in power quality and harmonics in electric power systems. The concept of utility distribution power quality is explained through theory and by analyzing various power quality disturbances such as: voltage sags, motor starting, and harmonics. Students will also learn how to design and evaluate solutions to mitigate power quality disturbances.

Last offerred: Fall 2016

Modeling and Simulation of Wind Power Plants

EE394V - Graduate level

The course focuses on modern wind turbine technologies with emphasis on modeling and dynamic simulation. By the end of the class, students should understand the steady-state and dynamic modeling of fixed and variable speed wind turbines as well as the operation and control of wind power plants in interconnected power systems. A brief introduction to basic aerodynamics is covered followed by fundamentals of wind turbine technology (including individual components and various design features) and dynamic modeling methods of induction machines. Students will create their own simulation models of Type 1 through 4 wind turbines and study the interconnection of wind turbines with the power grid.

Last offerred: Fall 2013

Power System Engineering II

EE394J-2 - Graduate level

The goal of this course is to provide graduate students with a solid foundation and an in-depth understanding of power system analysis. It focuses on network equations for solving large power networks, power flow analysis, balanced and unbalanced fault analysis, transient analysis, and control of voltage and frequency in power systems.

Last offerred: Spring 2013

Renewable Energy and Power Systems

EE362R - Undergraduate level

The purpose of this course is to provide students with a rigorous introduction to electric power generation systems with intermittent and variable renewable energy sources and their technical challenges in grid integration. Major emphasis is placed on wind energy resource assessments, elements of conversion systems, generation technology, and grid interconnection and integration issues. Minor emphasis is placed on fundamental and engineering concepts of photovoltaic and concentrated thermal generation systems.

Last offerred: Fall 2011